Allure Behave configuration

Allure Behave accepts some options via the behave's “user-defined data”. All the options should be prefixed with AllureFormatter..

  • To pass configuration options to the behave command-line utility, use the -D (or --define) flag. For example:

    python -m behave -D AllureFormatter.hide_excluded=true
  • To save the configuration options permanently, add them to the behave.userdata section of the behave configuration file. For example:

    [behave] format = allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter outfiles = allure-results [behave.userdata] AllureFormatter.link_pattern = {} AllureFormatter.issue_pattern ={} AllureFormatter.hide_excluded = true

Define a link pattern — a template that can be used to construct full URLs from short identifiers, see the reference. The pattern must contain {} at the position where the identifier should be placed.

The pattern will be applied to all links of type “link”, i.e. all links that are defined using the tag or the link() function without providing a non-default link_type.


Define an issue pattern — a template that can be used to construct full URLs from short identifiers, see the reference. The pattern must contain {} at the position where the identifier should be placed.

The pattern will be applied to all links of type “issue”, i.e. all links that are defined using the @allure.issue tag, the issue() function or the link() function with link_type="issue".


This option affects how Allure behave treats scenarios that are skipped by behave, e.g., based on a tag expression.

By default, the test report will include such scenarios, with their test results marked as Skipped (see Test statuses). However, if this configuration option is set to true, the skipped scenarios will be excluded from the test report entirely.

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