Allure configuration

This page describes the configuration options that affect the behavior of Allure

By default, Allure tries to read the allureConfig.json file in the same directory where the test assembly is located. To make sure the file is present there, edit the file properties in your IDE or manually in your *.csproj file and set the corresponding item's CopyToOutputDirectory to either Always or PreserveNewest. For example:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <!-- ... --> <ItemGroup> <None Update="specflow.json"> <CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory> </None> </ItemGroup> </Project>

Alternatively, use the ALLURE_CONFIG environment variable to specify a relative or absolute path of the configuration file.

Path to the directory where Allure will save the test results, see How it works. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Defaults to allure-results.

Note that the path is treated as relative to the build output directory of the project. When building and running tests from an IDE, this is typically different from the solution folder. Multiple ../ elements may be needed if you want to put the test results into a directory in the solution folder.

{ "allure": { "directory": "../../../../../allure-results" } }

List of patterns that can be used to construct full URLs from short identifiers.

Each pattern must be a string containing a placeholder surrounded by curly brackets, for example: {issue}. When processing a link, Allure selects the pattern whose placeholder matches the link type (as specified using the Link or [AllureLink] arguments). The placeholder is then replaced by the short identifier.

For example, with the configuration below, the link BUG-123 of type issue will be translated to

{ "allure": { "links": [ "{issue}", "{tms}", "{jira}" ] } }


The secondary reporter that should be used alongside Allure

Allowed values are:

  • auto (the default) — select a secondary reporter automatically, similar to how a test runner selects a reporter. This will only select among the reporters that are “environmentally enabled”.

    If there are no environmentally enabled reporters other than Allure, this value is identical to none.

    If there is only one environmentally enabled reporter other than Allure, this value is identical to specifying its reporter switch explicitly.

    In all other cases, Allure will select one of the environmentally enabled reporters, but the algorithm of this selection is not determined.

  • none — do not use a secondary reporter.

  • the reporter switch of the reporter, e.g., teamcity.

  • the fully qualified name of the reporter class, e.g. Xunit.Runner.Reporters.TeamCityReporter, xunit.runner.reporters.netcoreapp10, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8d05b1bb7a6fdb6c. Note that the fully qualified name is often framework-dependent and changes for each new version of the reporter. Because of that, using the fully qualified name is not recommended for most cases. However, it may be useful for large projects, where selection by the reporter switch would significantly slow down the startup.

{ "allure": { "xunitRunnerReporter": "teamcity" } }


A list of exception types representing assertion failures.

In case of an exception that matches one of the listed classes, the Failed status is assigned to the test, step, or fixture. In case of any other exception, the Broken status is assigned. When looking for matches, Allure uses not only the exception class's own full name but also all its interfaces and base classes.

The default list includes the Xunit.Sdk.XunitException class and the Xunit.Sdk.IAssertionException interface. The setting, if not empty, overrides the default list.

With the example configuration below, a test will be considered failed if it throws Xunit.Sdk.IAssertionException, MyNamespace.MyCustomException, or anything that derives from them. At the same time, any other exception will make the test broken.

{ "allure": { "failExceptions": ["Xunit.Sdk.IAssertionException", "MyNamespace.MyCustomException"] } }
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