Allure Pytest-BDD reference

These are the attributes and methods that you can use to integrate your Pytest-BDD tests with Allure Report.

Parametrized tests

In Gherkin, a Scenario Outline (or a Scenario Template) implements the parametrized tests pattern. A scenario outline must contain an Examples table, from which Pytest-BDD loads sets of parameters, one row after another. Each set of parameters is being placed into the step declarations according to the placeholders, thus generating a new scenario based on the row. Pytest-BDD then runs each of them independently, as if it was a separate Scenario. The data can then be captured by Pytest-BDD and passed as separate arguments to the Python code.

Allure Pytest-BDD automatically recognizes this pattern. No additional configuration is required.

The example below shows a Gherkin file and a Python implementation file of a test. In this example, the four parameters for the “I enter my details...” step will be displayed in both instances of the scenario in the test report.

Feature: User management Scenario Outline: Registration When I go to the registration form And I enter my details: <login>, <password>, <name>, <birthday> Then the profile should be created Examples: | login | password | name | birthday | | johndoe | qwerty | John Doe | 1970-01-01 | | janedoe | 123456 | Jane Doe | 1111-11-11 |
from pytest_bdd import given, parsers, scenario, then, when @scenario('features/UserManagement.feature', 'Registration') def test_parameters(): pass @when('I go to the registration form') def i_go_to_registration_form(): ... @when(parsers.parse('I enter my details: {login}, {password}, {name}, {birthday}')) def i_enter_my_details(login, password, name, birthday): ... @then('the profile should be created') def profile_should_be_created(): ...

Attaching content from variables

  • allure.attach(body, name=None, attachment_type="text/plain", extension="attach")

Add body as an attachment to the test result under the given name (defaults to a unique pseudo-random string). The body must be of type bytes or str.

To ensure that the reader's web browser will display attachments correctly, it is recommended to specify each attachment's type. There are two ways to do this:

  • Pass the MIME type of the content as attachment_type and, optionally, a filename extension as extension.

    Some popular MIME types are image/png and image/jpeg for screenshots and other images, application/json for JSON data, and text/plain for text files. The MIME type affects how the data will be displayed in the test report, while the filename extension is appended to the filename when user wants to save the file.

  • Pass a value from the allure.attachment_type class as attachment_type.

    This will automatically set the MIME type and the appropriate filename extension.

import allure import requests from pytest_bdd import then @then("I open labels page") def test_labels(): ... png_bytes = requests.get('').content allure.attach(png_bytes, name="my-image", attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)

Reading attachments from files

  • allure.attach.file(source, name=None, attachment_type=None, extension=None)

Same as attach(), but the content is loaded from the existing source file.

import allure from pytest_bdd import then @then("I open labels page") def test_labels(): ... allure.attach.file('/path/to/image.png', name="my-image", attachment_type=allure.attachment_type.PNG)
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