Allure TestNG configuration

This page describes the configuration options that affect the behavior of Allure TestNG.

To set the configuration options, create a file in your project's src/test/resources directory. Allure TestNG loads the configuration into the JVM system properties for the test runtime.


Properties file
allure.label.epic = Authentication allure.label.severity = blocker

Assign an arbitrary label to all the tests in the current test run.⟨TYPE⟩.pattern

Properties file ={}

Define a link pattern — a template that can be used to construct full URLs from short identifiers, see the reference.

The value must be a string pattern containing {} at the position where the identifier should be placed. The pattern will be applied when processing any link of the given TYPE.

You can use the option multiple times, thus defining multiple link patterns for different link types.

Properties file = build/allure-results

Path to the directory where Allure TestNG will save the test results, see How it works. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. Defaults to allure-results.


Properties file
allure.testng.hide.disabled.tests = true

In Allure, all tests from a run are reported by default. This includes disabled tests, which are marked as 'skipped' in the report. However, you can modify this behavior.

To hide disabled tests from the report, set the allure.testng.hide.disabled.tests variable to true. This will exclude these tests from the report.


Properties file
allure.testng.hide.configuration.failures = true

Allure, by default, treats configuration failures (e.g. errors in @BeforeMethod or @AfterMethod methods) uniquely. It generates a separate 'fake' test result for each configuration failure. This approach is adopted because configuration failures lead to the skipping of all dependent tests, which are then reported as skipped. The 'fake' test result explicitly shows the error in the configuration method, aiding in easier identification and troubleshooting of the issue.

To prevent Allure from creating separate results for failed configuration methods, set the allure.testng.hide.configuration.failures variable to true. This will disable the reporting of failed configuration methods as separate test results.

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